Uploading apps and games
Direct Upload
Now that you know everything about what CircuitBlocks can do and how it works, let’s head to some programming.
There are two main ways you can upload your creations to Ringo – upload it directly to the phone and running it as .bin.
Let’s touch on these two ways so you can see what works best for you.
Uploading the program directly to the Ringo’s memory is simple and effective!
It is done by just pressing the “Run” button in the top right corner of the screen.
The program will compile and upload to your phone, which will take about a couple of minutes.
There is also a yellow bar right below the header that indicates the progress of compiling and uploading.

Yellow bar represents compilation and upload progress
“Run” command will not only upload everything’s that’s on the board to the phone but will also erase the default firmware, so you won't be able to go back to using the phone unless you restore the default firmware!
However, that is really easy, since you just go back to the main menu of CircuitBlocks and press the ‘Restore Ringo Firmware’ button.
This method should be used when testing the program and just want a quick check of functions or when you only want this app to be available on your phone!
ex. You made a video game and you want to organize a contest with your friends to check out who gets the highest score – this way you can make Ringo game only device!