Hertz Guide ENG
What's in the box?
2. Screwdriver
3. Coin battery
4. Acrylic casings
5. LEDs
6. Plastic bolts
7. Plastic standoffs
To get two smaller casings from the kit,
you’ll need to break one large acrylic piece.
But please, be super
careful when doing
this to make sure you
don’t damage the
parts you need.

After breaking it, you’ll end up with two separate pieces
of acrylic casings. If you find there’s any acrylic in the
holes of the casings, just gently push it out.

Remove the protective foil from both sides of the casings now.

Your casings should be all nice and transparent now.

Now, let’s dive into the
exciting assembly part!
Start by grabbing the casing that matches the one in
the photo below and gently place it onto the PCB.

Now, take the battery and check that the plus sign is on the side facing you.

To make sure everything
stays in place, we’ll need
to secure these casings
with bolts and standoffs.

Here’s how you do it: put the
bolts in from the front and add
the standoffs onto the back.
Fasten the standoffs with your
fingers – no need for fancy tools!

Here’s a handy tip:
If you flip Hertz around,
you’ll spot tiny + and
- signs next to each
connector. These
little symbols tell you
about the polarity.

Če zavrtite Hertza, boste na vsakem priključku našli znaka + in –, ki označujeta polarnost LED-diod.

When it comes to adding LEDs, it’s a piece of cake! Simply turn
on Hertz and choose whichever LEDs you’d like to use.
But remember, pay close attention to the polarity of the LEDs as you
connect them. Look for the rounded part (that’s the plus side) and
the cut-off part (that’s the minus side) marked on the LED.

And just in case your LED doesn’t light up, no worries! Just take
it out and flip it around – that usually does the trick.

To create some cool
sounds, press both
pushbuttons 2 and
3 simultaneously.
You’ll be amazed at
what Hertz can do!
1. On/Off Switch
2. Pushbuttons for choosing a note
3. Pushbutton for releasing a sound
We hope you had a blast putting together Hertz and maybe
even picked up some new musical skills along the way.
And hey, here’s a bonus:
Connect it to the CircuitMess
BIT and unlock a new game!

*BIT is sold separately
2. Screwdriver
3. Coin battery
4. Acrylic casings
5. LEDs
6. Plastic bolts
7. Plastic standoffs
To get two smaller casings from the kit,
you’ll need to break one large acrylic piece.
But please, be super
careful when doing
this to make sure you
don’t damage the
parts you need.

After breaking it, you’ll end up with two separate pieces
of acrylic casings. If you find there’s any acrylic in the
holes of the casings, just gently push it out.

Remove the protective foil from both sides of the casings now.

Your casings should be all nice and transparent now.

Now, let’s dive into the
exciting assembly part!
Start by grabbing the casing that matches the one in
the photo below and gently place it onto the PCB.

Now, take the battery and check that the plus sign is on the side facing you.

To make sure everything
stays in place, we’ll need
to secure these casings
with bolts and standoffs.

Here’s how you do it: put the
bolts in from the front and add
the standoffs onto the back.

Fasten the standoffs with your
fingers – no need for fancy tools!

Here’s a handy tip:
If you flip Hertz around,
you’ll spot tiny + and
- signs next to each
connector. These
little symbols tell you
about the polarity.

Če zavrtite Hertza, boste na vsakem priključku našli znaka + in –, ki označujeta polarnost LED-diod.

When it comes to adding LEDs, it’s a piece of cake! Simply turn
on Hertz and choose whichever LEDs you’d like to use.
But remember, pay close attention to the polarity of the LEDs as you
connect them. Look for the rounded part (that’s the plus side) and
the cut-off part (that’s the minus side) marked on the LED.

And just in case your LED doesn’t light up, no worries! Just take
it out and flip it around – that usually does the trick.

To create some cool
sounds, press both
pushbuttons 2 and
3 simultaneously.
You’ll be amazed at
what Hertz can do!
1. On/Off Switch
2. Pushbuttons for choosing a note
3. Pushbutton for releasing a sound
We hope you had a blast putting together Hertz and maybe
even picked up some new musical skills along the way.
And hey, here’s a bonus:
Connect it to the CircuitMess
BIT and unlock a new game!

*BIT is sold separately