What you'll get in your inventors pack?
Hi everyone!
If you've checked out the rewards we have available in our listing, you've probably noticed a perk called "CircuitMess Batmobile™ inventor's pack". I'll let you know a little bit about it and what you'll get if you decide to pledge this reward.
Other than the Batmobile and controller, the inventor's pack includes an extra pack of snap-on magnetic modules that will allow you to tinker and expand Batmobile's functionalities.
This pack was made with future tinkers in mind so let's check what's inside it:
1. Gyroscope & accelerometer module - this will add an extra sense to your controller. You will be able to use motion to control the Batmobile and other controller's functions.
2. Temperature & humidity sensor module
3. Air pressure sensor module
4. Flashlight module - it has four high-brightness LEDs
5. Extender module - this one allows you to connect more modules at the same time
6. RGB LED grid module - display pretty lights with this one
7. Extender cable
All modules magnetically snap onto the Batmobile's controller and allow you to add new functions to the device.
It's pretty cool to be able to extend what your controller can do in such an easy way, don't you think?
The Inventor's pack is also available as an add-on so, if you've chosen a different pack but want to get the Inventor's pack as well; you can modify your pledge to include that. Follow this simple video tutorial to see how to modify your pledge.
Stay tuned for more updates!