IMPORTANT - You need to take action if your payment didn't go through

Hi everyone,

After a grandiose end of our amazing Kickstarter campaign, Kickstarter is charging all of your credit cards in order to get the amounts you have pledged.

This is how this system works: 

1) Campaign Ends — credit cards are charged. A percentage of backers become errored backers and have 1 week to fix their credit card.

7 days after end — all errored backers become dropped backers and can no longer fix their credit card issues.

14 days after end — money is transferred from Kickstarter to our bank account.


Currently, there are 137 backers for this campaign that need to fix their payment method. Kickstarter sent several notifications to all of the backers with payment issues and I have reached out to them personally.

If your payment has failed, please follow this tutorial:

Basically, you need to log into your Kickstarter account and find the big "FIX PAYMENT" button on top of the page. 

In my experience, if your credit card has enough funds and has still failed, you need to either:

A) try with a different card


B) call your bank and tell them to greenlight the transaction (this goes quicker than you'd think)

If you don't fix your payment on time, Kickstarter will cancel your pledge and you unfortunately won't be able to get your STEM Box for the Kickstarter price (best price ever that we'll never offer to customers outside Kickstarter).

If you do not know how to fix your payment issue, please contact me by sending me a message. 

You can send me a message by scrolling to the top of the page and finding the "Created by Albert Gajšak" text. You need to click on my name and press the "CONTACT" or "CONTACT ME" button. I will help you as fast as I can. 

Thanks and keep making :)
- Albert


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