Happy holidays and the state of MAKERphone

Salutations MAKERphone supporters,  

MAKERphone’s development and production preparations are going according to the plan and we’ll start with mass production in January so that we can ship all your rewards according to the timeline.

Creating a brand-new device and preparing its mass production is a tough job and we’re currently also working on expanding our team as well as polishing the phone’s hardware and software as well as adding new features.  

We're working hard on polishing MAKERphone's software and hardware
We're working hard on polishing MAKERphone's software and hardware

We’re working on implementing some new features not yet mentioned in our Kickstarter campaign which include:

  • A firmware update feature that will allow us to deploy firmware updates to your MAKERphones
  • A hardware revision that will feature a 2-axis analog joystick instead of a mechanical d-pad
  • An interchangeable socket that will allow all 2G MAKERphone users to buy an upgrade kit and swap their 2G module with a 4G one
  • A custom open-source sound playback library that will allow MAKERphone users to playback multiple sound files simultaneously on their MAKERphones (this might sound basic, but making it happen is way more difficult than you’d think)

Anyways, we wish you happy holidays and a prosperous New year.  

Thanks again for sticking with us and making this amazing project happen.  

More updates coming up soon.  

Albert and the rest of the MAKERphone team

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