CircuitPet’s hardware and software are finished + the delivery will start in the following week
Hello everyone,
We've spent the last two weeks producing CircuitPet's PCBs.
Both hardware and software are finished, and the final version looks fantastic!
We've also begun packing your orders, and here's a photo of our warehouse (yes, all of these boxes are CircuitPet kits!).

Also, we are currently working on a Coding guide to assist you in programming all sorts of cool things on your virtual pet.

The good news is that CircuitPet’s delivery will start next week, and you will receive a confirmation email with the tracking number once it is shipped.
Take a look at the fun times we had during CircuitPet’s photoshoot:

And last but not least, the CircuitPet usage guide is finished, and you can check what cool games and features it will have.
Here is a sneak peek:

Stay tuned for more info soon.
You'll soon start receiving your tracking numbers.
As always, thank you for your support, and keep making 👋
-Albert and the CM team