Access our library of detailed guides and tutorials

Hi guys, 

Today, I'll talk a little bit about our extensive library of detailed guides and tutorials. 

If you're familiar with our products, you'll know that for each of them, we have available a build guide, an anatomy guide, a usage guide, and a coding guide to help you through the first steps. All this is available on our CircuitMess Resources page

These guides are very detailed and beginner-friendly, and we'll have them available for Batmobile once it launches. 


  •  The build guide will help you through all the steps you have to take in order to build your Batmobile. It'll also give you some tips and tricks and tell you what to pay attention to along the way. 
  •  The anatomy guide will show you all the components Batmboile is made out of and let you know what each of them does and why they're important to the product. 
  •  The usage guide will let you know what each button on your controller does, how to move around the menus, and how to control your Batmobile.
  •  The coding guide will show you how to code your first simple programs and apps for your Batmobile in our programming interface called CircuitBlocks. You'll also learn about the basics of how to use CircuitBlocks so that you can move on to programming other games and programs yourself. 

We're working really hard on making these guides as detailed as possible so that anyone, regardless of their age and experience level, can complete the projects with ease. 


These guides are also a great base to help anyone learn more about hardware and software and encourage you to continue tinkering with the products and creating new features.


On our Resources page, you'll also find our CircuitMess Community. This is our community forum - a place where you can connect with other makers, creatives, and tinkerers, ask questions, share your projects, and much more. 

Do you have any projects or ideas you'd like to share? Join our community forum and start a discussion. 


Keep making and stay tuned for more updates!



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