128 backers still need to fix their payment methods until Tuesday, or Kickstarter will cancel their pledges
Hey folks,
As I mentioned in my previous Kickstarter update - after a Kickstarter campaign ends, Kickstarter charges your credit cards.
If Kickstarter fails to bill your credit card, it will give you 7 days to fix your payment method and will send you several reminders. If you don't fix your payment method on time, Kickstarter will automatically cancel your pledge and you, unfortunately, won't be able to get your STEM Box :(
But worry not, there is a simple solution if your payment didn't go through!
please follow this tutorial:
If you don't manage to fix your payment this way, please reach out to Kickstarter's support here:
Also, this is how you can check if your payment was successful or not (it takes 2 minutes of your time):
1) Go to Kickstarter.com
2) Click "Log in" on the top right
3) Enter your login credentials
4) Click on your profile picture on the top right
5) Find "CircuitMess STEM Box" under the Backed projects section and click on it
6) if you see a huge text "You backed this project", your payment went through and you're good to go.
If your payment didn't go through, you will see a banner on top of the page with the big "Fix payment" button. Click on it and Kickstarter will walk you through the process.
If you need any help fixing your payment, don't be shy and reach out!
If you don't fix your payment on time, Kickstarter will cancel your pledge and you, unfortunately, won't be able to get your STEM Box for the Kickstarter price (best price ever that we'll never offer to customers outside Kickstarter).
Thanks and stay tuned!
- Albert